Strongest Non-Prescription Numbing Cream in Australia | Fast Delivery to your Door

How to Reduce Tattoo Pain? Lucky, Numb1 Has You Sorted. 

How to Reduce Tattoo Pain? If the thought of enduring long hours under a tattoo gun makes you think twice, Numb1 has the answer! With powerful pain-relief ingredients that take the edge off, you can finally look forward to a more comfortable tattooing experience. Here’s how Numb1’s numbing gel is changing the game for tattoo enthusiasts everywhere.

How Does Numb1 Work to Reduce Tattoo Pain?

Numb1 is packed with 4.9% lidocaine and 4.9% tetracaine, the strongest non-prescription combo in Australia! These active ingredients work by permeating the dermal layer of the skin, effectively numbing the area for up to four hours. This means you can sit through a tattoo session—or other procedures—without wincing at every stroke. Whether you’re getting a tattoo, laser tattoo removal, or cosmetic procedures, Numb1’s maximum-strength formula ensures you’re as comfortable as possible.


Tested and Proven

We put Numb1 to the test on a full male torso tattoo, where the client had no numbing relief for the first two hours. Once Numb1 was applied to the navel area and left to activate for 60 minutes, tattooing resumed with impressive results: the pain level was rated at just 1 out of 10! The only sensation felt was the light pressure of the tattoo gun, proving that Numb1 works wonders for lengthy tattoo sessions.

strongest numbing cream

Application Made Easy

Getting the most out of Numb1 is all about correct application. Apply a thick layer of the gel as if it were sunscreen, then reapply a second coat after a couple of minutes. Wrap the area with cling wrap to lock in the numbing effect, and keep it on for at least 45 minutes before the session. By following these steps, you’ll be ready for a comfortable tattoo experience!

Experience the Relief of Numb1

Don’t let pain hold you back from getting the ink you’ve always wanted. With Numb1, you can enjoy a low-pain, anxiety-free tattoo experience and say hello to body art without the “ouch.” Checkout Numb1 solutions online today. Any questions, just hit us up on Facebook!